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CNN estimates that carriers across the United States are in need of 80,000 truck drivers. Pay for truck drivers is increasing as well, making now a great time to get started in the trucking industry. For those interested, the first step is to enroll in driving school. While most CDL students will understandably want to be drivers for a while after graduating, they shouldn’t think they’re locked into that role for life.

There are many positions within the trucking industry that don’t involve driving.
Dispatching, driver training, and yard management are just a few of the options out
there. That’s why it’s important for CDL students to think through options and plan out where they want to be in their career.

Here are 3 of the best career planning tips for
CDL students.

1. Research Available Jobs
The first step is to see what trucking jobs are currently available. This is something that
you should make a habit of doing regularly, even if you’re not looking at the moment.
You might find out about positions you didn’t even know existed that could change your
career planning goals.

2. Find a Job that Fits You
The first step to career planning is to take stock of what you find important from a
personal and professional standpoint. What do you want your income to be? How much
do you want to be home? Do you want to be in a customer-facing role? Do you want to
earn extra certifications? What kind of freight do you want to haul? You’ll want to
answer all these questions and find a position that meets your needs.

Aside from your wants, also take stock of your individual workstyle. What are your
strengths and weaknesses? Do you enjoy working with a team or working solo? Are you detail-oriented or do you think more big picture? All of these things are extremely
important when career planning.

3. Talk to People in the Industry
The trucking industry is full of experienced people who are happy to share their
knowledge. If you’re thinking about your career after graduation, talk to people in a
variety of different roles within the industry. Their unique perspective will inform your career planning more than anything else will. They can share with you the best steps to take to get into a certain position and what it takes to succeed when you’re in it.

As a CDL student, your instructor is a great person to talk to about this. Their first-hand
knowledge is the best resource you have at this point in your career.

ENROLL NOW at Truck Master School, Bakersfield. CA 93308

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