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Today, it’s celebrated on the first Monday in September. Americans throw cookouts and participate in parades, all in honor of the workers who make our country the global powerhouse that it is.

According to the Department of Labor, Labor Day was instituted as “an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers”. It was first celebrated on September 5th, 1882 in New York City.

At TRUCK MASTER SCHOOL, we’re pretty jazzed about acknowledging workers. We could not be more proud of the men and women who spend nights, weekends, and holidays hauling freight across the country. They are the backbone of the economy.

None of this would be possible without the people who support them, either. Families who make do without mom or dad for weeks at a time, parents who handle bedtime alone and celebrate wedding anniversaries with a phone call. Their contribution goes a long way in making the United States what it is today.

Then there’s the driver’s other family , the professionals who take care of them. That’s right.

This Labor Day, we hope you have a cookout. We plan to and we’ll raise a toast to all of the trucking professionals who make our country amazing.

Happy Labor Day!

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