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The DOT physical ability test is an essential requirement for anyone wishing to get behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle. This evaluation ensures that all commercial drivers are in optimal condition to undergo their daily health check-ups and to achieve their maximum performance

What does a DOT Physical Ability Test entail?

The DOT Physical Ability Test is similar to a standard medical check-up but with some additional procedures. During the assessment, the physician will take your vital signs, review your medical history, and conduct tests on your eyes, ears, and lungs. The vision test will ensure you have at least 20/40 vision in both eyes. If you wear contact lenses or glasses, be sure to bring them with you for this part of the exam.

Another important part of the assessment includes a hearing test. With or without hearing aids, a driver should be able to hear a “forced whisper” from a distance of less than five feet. A urine analysis will also be conducted to detect kidney diseases, diabetes, and urinary tract infections.

Who administers a DOT Physical Ability Test?

Any registered medical examiner can administer a DOT Physical Ability Test, which is mandatory every 24 months. If the medical examiner considers a driver to have a condition that requires monitoring, they may request more frequent physical examinations.

What happens if I don’t meet the requirements?

If you fail your first physical exam, you always have the option to seek out another examiner. However, it’s important to note that all medical examiners follow the same federal guidelines, so it’s unlikely that the outcome of the physical exam will change with a different doctor.

How can I schedule a DOT Physical Ability Test?

If you are a driver employed by a company, your employer likely has this information. Otherwise, you can search for registered medical examiners on the FMCSA website on your own.

What is the cost of the DOT Physical Ability Test?

The cost of a DOT Physical Ability Test varies, ranging from $50 to $300, depending on where it is conducted. Fortunately, most employers will cover the costs for their drivers.

What should I bring to the exam?

The physician may have access to all of your medical records electronically, but if not, be sure to bring them with you. Additionally, if you wear contact lenses, glasses, or hearing aids while driving, don’t forget to bring them with you as well.

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